Men's Breakfast
Breakfast + Bible Study with Pastor Mark Crow
Make new friends. Develop your walk with God. Deepen friendships.

Promotion Sunday
Congratulations Graduates!
Kindergarten & 6th Grade
We will celebrate at Incredible Pizza during class time.

Mosaic Men's Breakfast
Mosaic Men's Breakfast with Pastor Mark Crow.
Be there to meet some new people, eat some good food and grow in the Lord!

Women of Mosaic Bible Study
Women’s Weekly Bible Study
Weekly beginning August 29th, 2021, 9:30 AM
For more information or sign up, please call the church office at 405-550-4393

Mosaic Teen Friday Fun Night
Mosaic Teen Event:
Friday Fun Night
Friday, October 22nd
Food! Games! Fun!

Mosaic 50+ Fellowship
Mosaic 50+ Fellowship.
Friday, October 22nd
Contact Don Lanier.
Tel - 405 990 2434

50+ and Men’s Breakfast Small Group Combined Cookout
50+ and Men’s Breakfast Small Group Combined Cookout. June 18, 2021, 6:30pm. Sign-up sheet at the Kiosk. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, dessert, drinks, games, and entertainment. The cookout is in the parking lot so bring lawn chairs.

Worship Night
A night you don’t want to miss!
Come expecting!
Come Believing!
Come Worship!
All family worship night with the Mosaic Worship Team and Band.

Servant Leader Luncheon and Meeting
Servant Leader Luncheon and Meeting.
Past, present, and future servant leaders.
April 25th, following the 11:00 AM service.

Easter at Mosaic Church OKC
Join us for either or both of our Easter services at Mosaic Church OKC. Refreshing, uplifting, powerful worship and a special encouraging, timely message from Pastor Mark Crow. We’d love to see you at 930am OR 11am on Sunday April 4th.
He is RISEN!!!
There is HOPE!!!

Easter at Mosaic Church OKC
Join us for either or both of our Easter services at Mosaic Church OKC. Refreshing, uplifting, powerful worship and a special encouraging, timely message from Pastor Mark Crow. We’d love to see you at 930am OR 11am on Sunday April 4th.
He is RISEN!!!
There is HOPE!!!

Vacation Bible School - Day 3
Mosaic Church OKC is having a Vacation Bible School!
July 13th, 14th and 15th from 9:00am to Noon
For ages 6-12. Snacks will be provided each day and there will be a petting zoo on the 15th. Sign up today!

Vacation Bible School - Day 2
Mosaic Church OKC is having a Vacation Bible School!
July 13th, 14th and 15th from 9:00am to Noon
For ages 6-12. Snacks will be provided each day and there will be a petting zoo on the 15th. Sign up today!

Vacation Bible School - Day 1
Mosaic Church OKC is having a Vacation Bible School!
July 13th, 14th and 15th from 9:00am to Noon
For ages 6-12. Snacks will be provided each day and there will be a petting zoo on the 15th. Sign up today!

Mosaic 50+ Fellowship – February
Mosaic 50+ Fellowship
Meet new people your age, play games, socialize.
Bring your own food.
February is soup month.
Contact Don Lanier to RSVP or for more info (405)990-2434.

Christmas Banquet / December Family Night
The Christmas season is fast approaching so please mark your calendars now for our Christmas Banquet. We want to personally invite everyone to join us Wednesday, December 18th at 7:00 PM at the church for our Christmas Family night. We will honor our Servant Leaders, have a full dinner with amazing Christmas worship music by the Mosaic worship team and fellowship with friends and family.
Jeanette Bufford – Celebration of Life
Please join us Wednesday, November 6th at 11am at Mosaic Church OKC, as we celebrate the life of Jeanette Bufford. She was the wife of our beloved Pastor Jesse.